It's the Last week of Summer!
Our favorite time of year! We seem to be beyond the tough part of summer...hopefully. Sunny days and cool nights are awesome. Tomatoes are turning red fast, so we'll be canning sauce, whole tomatoes, and Pete's favorite Salsa! A variety of hot peppers from the garden keeps it spicy enough for him to enjoy.
It is also our busy show season. Pete stays home to entertain Oliver and Wilbur (or cut down trees*) while Chris and Sarah head off to various shows in the area. We cut down a little this year. Last show season it rained! Every single show. We discovered new holes in our tents. Yup - both of them. So far we have been lucky and blessed with perfect weather this year. We are keeping our fingers crossed that our luck will hold out.
(*said tree. It was dead and just waiting for a good stiff wind)
Speaking of wind, Pete made us new jewelry displays that are easy to set up and not prone to blowing away. That's big!
Our mining season is still going strong. Chris and Oliver have been able to join Pete in the pit. Oliver has been such a good boy (it helps that we go up midweek). New Herkimers will be up on the website once we slow down. Yeah, sometimes we do that.
Cell service has been spotty on the hill so there have been few updates on Instagram and Facebook but we have found some pretty special crystals.
Where will we be in the coming few months? Check out our "Find Us 2024" to see where we will pop up next!